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Many artists, musicians, audio experts, video engineers, and marketing agencies are creating multimedia installations. Most of these require touchscreen interfaces to give control to the client, or their end-users. Unfortunately, to get this GUI done and functional, it is necessary to outsource the interface of control to a developer or software company, making this whole process more expensive, longer and not scalable.

What is this...

OSCAR is a tool to create beautiful graphic user interfaces (GUIs) to send OSC messages and control interactive installations (Resolume arena, Touch Designer, Ableton, Processing, PD, UNITY, Unreal, etc). Let's create beautiful, responsive and touchable interfaces without code.

OSCAR allows you to create beautiful and responsive graphical interfaces that controls other pieces of hardware and software, this way you are able to control lighting, sound, or/and video systems through any touchscreen. It is also intended to give control to multiple users that are part of the same network.


OSCAR uses OSC - Open Sound Control. A well-known and documented protocol for communication between applications and devices. This way, artists, musicians, audio experts, video engineers, and marketing agencies can connect the software they know how to use and a graphical interface they can now design without code. OSCAR also uses web technologies to allow authors design content for different devices regardless of screen size or operating systems.

OSCAR is still under development and had received the support and feedback of more than 2000 users. We hope to develop it further.

ROLE: CREATOR. Master ITP Thesis Project 2019

TOOLS: JavaScript, NodeJS, React, HTML, CSS, Webpack, Electron.


GITHUB: https://trafalmejo.github.io/OSCAR/

Download OSCAR at: https://github.com/trafalmejo/OSCAR/releases


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More than 50 interviews were conducted to designers, artist, engineers, creative technologist and more who are interested in creation of interactive/multimedia experiences. I co-created and sketched some architectures, tools and diagrams of possible solutions for their installations. Many features and scenarios were discussed until I was able described the system and their participants. There are some tools (state of art) like Lemur, Open Stage Control and TouchOSC that offer the ability to control installations and easily debug them from the backstage. However, many creators need the ability to create beautiful and customizable interfaces that they can provide to their clients. Logos, fonts, colors should be highly editable.



USER JOURNEY - USING cloud storage

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This user journey describes what is happening on the users’ perspective and at the backstage of the service. OSCAR is looking into becoming a cloud service and it is important to highlight what part of the experience will need an internet connection or can be achieved offline.