PCB Design.

With the help of our new homemade shield for programming the ATTiny85, we will design a board to host the previous sketch (a little catch up simple analogue input controlling an analogue output).



The tool used is EAGLE: a software to design circuits and was bought by Autodesk few time ago with many new features according to Andy Sigler, so let's believe in him and these new features. As you can imagine, The software comes with two views to understand the schematic and the real world which I found pretty intuitive. You can appreciate those below:



These two images represent the same circuit:

-Capacitor to decoupling
-Press sensor represented by another resistor
-Resistor to pull down the force sensor
-Resistor for the LED
-Header to provide power

As you can see all the pieces were arranged in a board of 5 * 3 cm approximately with holes of 1 mm to be reached with a bit mill of the same size. The circuit is almost ready to be printed.